Monday, January 7, 2019

Top 5 wrestlers of year 2018

5. I Pro Sorry (+)
4. Legyozhetetlen (+)
3. Dakierod (-)
2. Marek Ciliak (+2)
1. Skuci (+1)

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Top 5 wrestlers of year 2017

5. Zebroid
4. Marek Ciliak
3. Dakierod
2. Skuci
1. Hernando

Top 3 wrestlers of year 2016

3. Legyozhetetlen
2. Skuci
1. Roman Reigns

IHWF Thunder - 27. 10. 2018

Match card:
8 man battle royale (Kuba vs I Pro Sorry vs Marek Ciliak vs Josef vs Dakierod vs HazardRaf vs Legyozhetetlen vs Marcos Alonso for World championship
Skuci vs Senju for Europe championship
Lingard vs BANANAJUICE8899

Marcos Alonso vs Legyozhetetlen
AKBAR vs Josef
Dakierod and Kuba vs I Pro Sorry and AKBAR

In the show opener we save Lingard vs BANANAJUICE8899, which was quite even match. This was the first match of IHWF since 13. 12. 2017. IHWF now had match in 3 consecutive years(2016, 2017, 2018) And was the first match of 4th era.

Next match was for Europe championship and two former hockey teammates Senju and Skuci faced off against each other. This was Senju's debut and unfortunely he wasn't able to claim the europe championship. The match ended with both opponents showing respect and cheering Solar Panels(their hockey team)

In main event we saw many debuts and huge returns.
HazardRaf, Marcos Alonso, Josef and Kuba all made their debut, unable to capture world championship.
We saw return of huge star of 1st era Legyozhetetlen who had match after over 2 years.
Marek Ciliak(formerly known as Luis Suarez) and Dakierod(formerly known as Krakow) were in the final two. These two are stars holding many records. Marek came on top winning the world title, but Dakierod remains no. 1 contender for the title.

In the post show there were three matches
First one decided who becomes the no. 1 contender for europe championship and Legyozhetetlen won.
Winner of second match could join tag team championships match and AKBAR grabbed the chance, however in the tag match he was unable to capture the title together with I Pro Sorry and Dakierod with Kuba became the new tag team champions.

The show was awesome and we are looking forward to Colosseum and Live shows! Until then see you!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

4th era start is still on!

I'm still here and still trying to start the league's 4th(spoiler alert: and best) era! I still have some steam keys ready for active wrestlers!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Best wrestlers of all time

Who are the best wrestler that ever stepped into haxball ring? This list will definitely be interesting. (It might be biased, as it is made by me - skuciuscz, but I think I stayed objective the whole time)

1st place
Yes. He doesn't have many matches. Yes. He doesn't have many titles. Yes. He lost quite a lot of matches. But his in-ring skills were awesome, he could beat anybody and most losses come from same opponents, that he defeated.

2nd place
Yaay. I'm an egoist!
Number of matches, wins and titles speak for themselves. Sure there are a lot of losses, but most of them come from opponents that lost against me more times, then won.

3rd place
Lost only one match. He didn't have many opportunities to show his abilities, but when he got one, he definitely showed it.

4th place
DIS - Luis Suarez
This guy is an idiot. But was good in a ring.

5th place
First thing that pops in my head when I hear this name is his monstrous world title run.

Just missed out: Roman Reigns, The Undertaker, IKV

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

4th era

It is time for 4th era!
The league restarts once again! If you want to join - go to join/discord tab. Everyone is welcome! (You don't have to be good to be succesful)

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Kgm will appear today in league and on discord. He is one of two wrestlers, that wrestled in first and second era. Tonight he has match vs RawDraw, which will make him wrestler of all 3 eras. Even tho, he is not that much succesful, it is going to be nice to see him again! We wish him best of luck and another win!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

100th League match

It's been long time since post, so it's time to make a new one! Recently we hit our 100th match! And we decided to make it special. It was 6 people elimination match for returning IHF title! Hope you like the title design!

Before match, there was small promo from Skuci about league. Then we moved into the match. At start everyone was aganist everyone and Zebroid got eliminated first. Then AKBAR got eliminated second. Third elimination was I Pro Sorry. 4th elimination was controversial. Viper and Skuci teamed up aganist RG9. In final two they had fair fight, where Skuci eliminated Viper and won the IHF title.
It was amazing! Now we look forward to King of the winer tournament!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Power Rankings deleted

League members were voting on discord, if Power rankings should be deleted. Voting ended up 4:3 from everyone voting. So from 30. 11. 2017 21:25 CET Power Rankings are disfunctional.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

New titles design

On Discord we just launched voting, which title should get redesigned - these are new designs. Voting is between old ones and these ones.

Top 5 visited player sites.

I think, it would be interesting to check, which are the most visited pages of wrestlers.

5. - Crazy King
Second Era wrestler is now inactive. He won Tag Team title once, Europe title once, and World title twice. 

4. - Viper
Second and third era wrestler. He won IHF title once, Czech Title once, Europe title once and World title once. He is now only missing tag team title to be first person to hold every single title

3. - Roman Reigns
First era wrestler. He won IHF title twice(and he never lost it in a match) and Europe title once. He was also very close to winning tag team titles, as his team drawed in title match.

2. - kgm
First and second era wrestler. He won world title once and IHF title once. He may be one of future hall of famers.

1. - Skuci
First, second and third era wrestler, creator of this league. He is current summercase holder.  He won Czech title once, Tag team title twice, Europe title 4 times, and World title thrice.

Friday, November 24, 2017


Hello everyone,
I decided to restart this league, as it was something I enjoyed to do. League is going to have same rules, with little extra things.
Matches are all in-character(IC) and discord is all out-of-character(OOC), on discord there is one IC chat for those, who like to dis their opponents as much as possible, without feeling guilty.
There is one PPV with tournament - King of the Winter, but there will also be World Championships - and that is the most prestigious(or we will build it up like this, atleast) achievment you can get.
New Championships designs - It was about the damn time. That ugly WC is going to be finally replaced and to make other titles more prestigious the Czech title is going to be removed, so only titles to be won are Tag Team, European and World.
Official restart date - I would like to have this date on 1st of December.
Prizes - Yup. I'll try this to be better. Once the league will gain optional number of members(I guess about 20) there will be numerous of prizes you can win. Steam keys, actual money(more rare), etc.
And because we don't want players to be here just because of the prizes, they will be only for deserving people. You can win them on big events like World Championships, or having big title reign etc. But most prizes will be awarded to those, who will help to expand league as much as possible(inviting people, that will become active, helping with managing league, etc.)

Everyone is welcome -  Not fan of wrestling? It doesn't matter.  

I tried to make this league as much understandable as possible(even these english skilzzzzzz are not helping it, at all). People either learnt how rules work after their first match(training, or ranked) or somebody more experienced helped them). One person even started to watch wrestling thanks to our league. So don't worry, we will be very happy to see you!